© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021


Here is what some of our clients have said after receiving my help.

Mae, Duncan and Sarah Davies - 13/01/2017 Our daughter had been to private nursery school from the age of two and was happy and on par with her peers in all areas of the EYFS. But when she started mainstream school in reception that’s when the problems began. She was having real trouble settling into school, she was not engaging with teachers and peers, was constantly upset at school, not wanting to go into school, waking up in the night at home upset and was having wet accidents in the school day. Our little girl has Mosaic Down Syndrome, and until she started school she had no problems in any areas of learning. After a term of having so many problems and a very unhappy upset little girl, we decided we needed help! We contacted all of the local council sections for help, i.e. educational psychologists, speech and language etc., which did come in and see her but gave very little help, just said “she will settle give it longer”! But we were not happy with this, our daughter had turned into a completely different child and was so unhappy! We happened to see a shared link on Facebook for Marie Smith, we thought let’s see if she can help! We contacted Marie and from the start, she was so reassuring and positive that she could sort things out and help, she sent over her plans to visit our daughter, some ideas of how she may be able to help. Marie visited our daughter straight away, she seemed to like Marie instantly, which is a good thing as our daughter is very reserved and usually takes a long time to gel with new people. The same day of the visit we received a phone call from Marie to tell us how the visit had gone and her thoughts. Marie picked up the problems at school and managed to put things in place on the first visit that would (and did, in fact) help and improve the situations instantly! We and the school got a full report of the visit which listed the problems and some possible solutions to the problems, Marie then planned a visit a fortnight later to the school to see if there was any improvement. Marie performed what I can only describe as a miracle, her input had literally changed our daughter overnight! And within a week our daughter had returned to engaging with teachers and peers, the crying and disturbed sleep had stopped, also she had no more wet accidents and now wanted to go into school! Marie continues to monitor our daughter in school, she also attends multiagency meetings and meetings with the school to help and advise on new areas of learning that our daughter comes across. We can contact Marie at any time for advice and help, she is so knowledgeable and always helpful, and has lots of ideas of how to help! We cannot recommend Marie highly enough, there are no words that we can put together that can describe just how much she has helped and changed our little girl’s life at school and how happy she has made us all! Marie’s work is outstanding, she is caring, brilliant with children, supportive to parents, school and children, always ready to help, provides such an efficient and high quality service, we don’t know what we would do without her! Thank you for everything! We continue to be so grateful for your help! Thank you from us all!
Stewart and Zillah Barclay - 06/10/2016 We first met Marie in June 2011 when our son joined an AS base which was attached to Gigmill Primary School in Stourbridge. We were invited to visit the base prior to its opening and it was clear that Marie had been instrumental in the design of the base layout. We watched the base take shape and we were increasingly impressed by the organisational and planning skills Marie demonstrated. Her negotiation, leadership and budgetary control skills were a sight to behold in the first six months of the base being open, as the base was fitted out with a plethora of 'extras', with parents and employees of the school giving up their time and skills freely to make these enhancements. Marie's ability to get people to buy into her ideas and bring them along with her on the journey was clearly a strength. Throughout this time Marie continued to show that the children's needs were always her top priority. Marie was quick to bond with the children, gaining their trust and identifying which buttons to press and which should be avoided. Efficient communication channels were set up by Marie so that parents and the school were always aware of developments in both behaviour and attainment. Each child had their own individual learning plan created by Marie and her team. Marie was the key player in the creation of these plans, identifying with the children's need for routines, yet able to ease them through change and so enabling them to develop. Marie has excellent listening skills which she used to gather information from a wide variety of sources, from parents and the children to high-level healthcare professionals. This information would then be used by Marie to identify the gap between where a child is and their goal. Marie repeatedly demonstrated a high level of people development skills by pulling together challenging, yet achievable tasks or action plans and then putting them in place to enable the child to close the gap and work towards realising their true potential. Marie's approach towards discipline was always appropriate and fair, this coupled with the obvious level of care and nurturing that she demonstrates meant for a happy and productive environment within the base and when outside on visits. In closing we find Marie to be an extremely pleasant, approachable and capable individual, with high-level skill sets in relation to the needs of children with special needs, especially those on the autistic spectrum. She has made a significant difference to our son's future life and we are very grateful for the effort she has put in and the care and commitment she has shown.
Donna Parker Hemmings - 02/10/2016 We first met Marie in 2012 when our son Bradley was offered a permanent placement at Gig Mill school, which also had a base camp attached to it for children with autism. Marie took time to visit our son at home on numerous occasions before he went to base camp so that he would have at least one familiar face when he joined Gig Mill school. While Bradley was there his needs were more than met in all occasions Marie has been a great influence on the person Bradley is becoming today, we will always be grateful for the help and support that Marie has given Bradley, and even now Bradley will still comment on how he misses and remembers Marie.
Donna O’Toole, Head Teacher Wylde Green Primary School, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham - February 2017. I have known Marie since 2013, this when we first worked together. Marie held a Leadership role at Wylde Green Primary, she primarily led on SEND and safeguarding issues; in addition she provided support for NQTs, taught across the school and took responsibility for EYFS during the school’s Ofsted inspection when the EYFS leader was absent. All of these aspects she carried out to a high standard, she was respected by her colleagues and the parents she worked with. This role ended in 2015. Since April 2016, Marie has provided bespoke SEN support at Wylde Green. This has included: SENCO cover following the absence of the post holder: training and support for the new SENCO's; liaising with outside agencies e.g. SENAR, School Nurse, PSS, CAT, OT, EP service; leading reviews at all levels of the SEN register with parents, staff and other professionals; completing paperwork and applying for EHcP's; arranging transition for EYFS children joining the school and Year 6 children moving to secondary and/or special schools; meeting with families and doggedly following up any missing paperwork or any hiccups that have occurred with other agencies! All of the above Marie does with the utmost professionalism, humility and diligence. She is very personable and knowledgeable; sensitive and meticulous. Put simply, she gets the job done: choosing the necessary approach to achieve this. I would highly recommend Marie in any of the above fields of work. The fact she has remained a valued member of the team, in various guises shows not only the broad range of skills she possesses but that I have no hesitation in commissioning her time and time again.
K A Chappell - June 2017 Marie has been of invaluable help to both Josh and myself over the past few months. The thought of GCSE'S, the revision, the exams, also how Josh would cope with it all, was quite daunting until I got in touch with Marie. She tutored Josh weekly and not just for his exams, but also for his College interview. With Marie's help and support the whole G.C.S.E experience has been a good one. Josh has been a lot less stressed and has had a structured revision timetable. Thank you so much Marie for everything you have done for Josh and myself’
Joanne Nation, EYP - 03/5/2017 Marie came to our setting to observe a couple of children, who we feel need a little extra support. She was able to observe the children, during the daily routine and feed back to us immediately. As well as offering some “on the spot” advice, Marie followed up very swiftly with a written report and some suggested strategies for particular children. We are currently implementing these strategies, and are very grateful for the support and suggestions given. As she has a wealth of experience, Marie also led a networking training event at our nursery with some other local early year’s representatives. We all found this very informative and again Marie was able to offer some immediate strategies to try with different children. I personally found Marie to be extremely knowledgeable and very pleasant and approachable. As an Early Years Professional, who has worked in several Staffordshire private nurseries, I know it is sometimes very frustrating waiting for cash strapped local authorities to provide support for some of our most vulnerable children. I would suggest that a consultancy visit from Marie would be a very cost effective solution and enable help to be given immediately to those children that need our help and support the most.
Mrs B Smith - June 2017 I have to thank you for your support in helping to get the decision of the D.W.P reversed for my brothers E.S.A payments. Your assessment of his needs and the letter written by you on his behalf, explaining in his detail his condition was definitely the reason the decision was reversed. He is now receiving the ESA payments as before. Many, many thanks for all your help.
© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021


Here is what some of our clients have said after receiving my help.

Mae, Duncan and Sarah Davies - 13/01/2017 Our daughter had been to private nursery school from the age of two and was happy and on par with her peers in all areas of the EYFS. But when she started mainstream school in reception that’s when the problems began. She was having real trouble settling into school, she was not engaging with teachers and peers, was constantly upset at school, not wanting to go into school, waking up in the night at home upset and was having wet accidents in the school day. Our little girl has Mosaic Down Syndrome, and until she started school she had no problems in any areas of learning. After a term of having so many problems and a very unhappy upset little girl, we decided we needed help! We contacted all of the local council sections for help i.e. educational psychologists, speech and language etc., which did come in and see her but gave very little help, just said she will settle give it longer! But we were not happy with this, our daughter had turned into a completely different child and was so unhappy! We happened to see a shared link on Facebook for Marie Smith, we thought let’s see if she can help! We contacted Marie and from the start, she was so reassuring and positive that she could sort things out and help, she sent over her plans to visit our daughter, some ideas of how she may be able to help. Marie visited our daughter straight away, she seemed to like Marie instantly which is a good thing as our daughter is very reserved and usually takes a long time to gel with new people. The same day of the visit we received a phone call to tell us how the visit went and her thoughts. Marie picked up the problems at school and managed to put things in place on the first visit that would/did in fact help and improve the situations instantly! We and the school got a full report of the visit which listed the problems and possible solutions to the problems, Marie then planned a visit a fortnight later to the school to see if there was any improvement. Marie did what I can only describe as a miracle, her input had literally changed our daughter overnight! And within a week our daughter had returned to engaging with teachers and peers, the crying and disturbed sleep had stopped, also she had no more wet accidents and now wanted to go into school! Marie continues to monitor our daughter in school, she also attends multiagency meeting and meeting with the school to help and advise on new areas of learning that our daughter comes across, we can contact Marie at any time for advice and help she is so knowledgeable and always helpful, and has lots of ideas of how to help! We cannot recommend Marie enough, there are no words that we can put that can describe how much she has helped and changed our little girls life at school and how happy she has made us all! Marie’s work is outstanding, she is caring, brilliant with Children, supportive to parents, school and children, always ready to help, provides such an efficient and high quality service, we don’t know what we would do without her! Thank you for everything! We continue to be so grateful for your help! Thank you from us all!
Stewart and Zillah Barclay - 06/10/2016 We first met Marie in June 2011 when our son joined an AS base which was attached to Gigmill Primary School in Stourbridge. We were invited to visit the base prior to its opening and it was clear that Marie had been instrumental in the design of the base layout. We watched the base take shape and we were increasingly impressed by the organisational and planning skills Marie demonstrated. Her negotiation, leadership and budgetary control skills were a sight to behold in the first six months of the base being open, as the base was fitted out with a plethora of 'extras' with parents and employees of the school giving up their time and skills freely to make these enhancements. Marie's ability to get people to buy-in to her ideas and bring them along with her on the journey was clearly a strength. Throughout this time Marie continued to show that the children's needs were always her top priority. Marie was quick to bond with the children gaining their trust and identifying which buttons to press and which should be avoided. Efficient communication channels were set up by Marie so that parents and school were always aware of developments in both behaviour and attainment. Each child had their own individual learning plan created by Marie and her team. Marie was the key player in the creation of these plans, identifying with the children's need for routines, yet able to ease them through change and so enabling them to develop. Marie has excellent listening skills which she used to gather information from a wide variety of sources, from parents and the children to high level healthcare professionals. This information would then be used by Marie to identify the gap between where a child is and their goal. Marie repeatedly demonstrated a high level of people development skills by pulling together challenging, yet achievable, tasks or action plans and then putting them in place to enable the child to close the gap and work towards realising their true potential. Marie's approach towards discipline was always appropriate and fair, this coupled with the obvious level of care and nurturing that she demonstrates meant for a happy and productive environment within the base and when outside on visits. In closing we find Marie to be an extremely pleasant, approachable and capable individual, with high level skill sets in relation to the needs of children with special needs, especially those on the autistic spectrum. She has made a significant difference to our son's future life and we are very grateful for the effort she has put in and the care and commitment she has shown.
Donna Parker Hemmings - 02/10/2016 We first met Marie in 2012 when our son Bradley was offered a permanent placement at Gig Mill school, which also had a base camp attached to it for children with autism. Marie took time to visit our son at home on numerous occasions before he went to base camp so that he would have at least one familiar face when he joined Gig Mill school. While Bradley was there his needs were more than met in all occasions Marie has been a great influence on the person Bradley is becoming today we will always be grateful for the help and support that Marie has given Bradley, and even now Bradley will still comment on how he misses and remembers Marie.
Joanne Nation, EYP - 03/5/2017 Marie came to our setting to observe a couple of children, who we feel need a little extra support. She was able to observe the children, during the daily routine and feed back to us immediately. As well as offering some “on the spot” advice, Marie followed up very swiftly with a written report and some suggested strategies for particular children. We are currently implementing these strategies, and are very grateful for the support and suggestions given. As she has a wealth of experience, Marie also led a networking training event at our nursery with some other local early year’s representatives. We all found this very informative and again Marie was able to offer some immediate strategies to try with different children. I personally found Marie to be extremely knowledgeable and very pleasant and approachable. As an Early Years Professional, who has worked in several Staffordshire private nurseries, I know it is sometimes very frustrating waiting for cash strapped local authorities to provide support for some of our most vulnerable children. I would suggest that a consultancy visit from Marie would be a very cost effective solution and enable help to be given immediately to those children that need our help and support the most.
K A Chappell - June 2017 Marie has been of invaluable help to both Josh and myself over the past few months. The thought of GCSE'S, the revision, the exams, also how Josh would cope with it all, was quite daunting until I got in touch with Marie. She tutored Josh weekly and not just for his exams, but also for his College interview. With Marie's help and support the whole G.C.S.E experience has been a good one. Josh has been a lot less stressed and has had a structured revision timetable. Thank you so much Marie for everything you have done for Josh and myself’
Mrs B Smith - June 2017 I have to thank you for your support in helping to get the decision of the D.W.P reversed for my brothers E.S.A payments. Your assessment of his needs and the letter written by you on his behalf, explaining in his detail his condition was definitely the reason the decision was reversed. He is now receiving the ESA payments as before. Many, many thanks for all your help.