© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021

Training overview

I can offer bespoke training sessions

ranging from 1 hour to whole day sessions

on a range of SEND-related topics including:

1. Creating a SEND-friendly environment. 2. Promoting SEND within daily practice. 3. Child development and SEND. 4. The SEND Code of Practice. 5. Working with children with physical and medical needs. 6. Creating an inclusive environment indoors and outdoors. 7. Raising awareness for a range of specific needs and conditions. 8. Use of strategies such as circle of friends, peer tutoring, intensive interaction, TEACCH-style workstations, visual timelines. 9. Transition and school readiness. 10. Peer awareness training - whole school, class or group work. Age-appropriate and interactive sessions to develop understanding of aspects of SEND including the autism spectrum, physical difficulties etc. 11. All aspects of the autism spectrum. 12. Down syndrome awareness. 13. Working effectively with parents, carers and families developing a ‘team around the child’ approach. Training provided to schools, settings and community groups including dinner supervisors, governors, support staff, teachers, families and wider community. Training also tailored for the needs of the private and public sector including individual businesses, retailers, leisure centre staff, local authorities, health and social care staff.

Package examples*

Raising awareness of the autism spectrum (1 day) Successfully implementing the new Code of Practice in your setting (1 day) Creating an autism-friendly environment that supports all (1 day) Supporting pupils with communication, interaction, emotional, social and behavioural needs as identified in the Code of Practice (1 day) Child development in children with SEND (1 day) Raising awareness of Down syndrome * All training sessions are bespoke and can be adjusted to fit your requirements. Training can be broken down into half-day and twilight sessions where needed. Training includes practical tasks, references to the latest research and developments within the field and interactive resources to fully engage participants. Training includes the use of practical equipment, resources and a library of books for participants to view. For a more detailed look at what these packages could entail download the PDF by clicking the button below.
© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021

Training overview

I can offer bespoke training

sessions ranging from 1 hour

to whole day sessions on a

range of SEND-related topics


1. Creating a SEND-friendly environment. 2. Promoting SEND within daily practice. 3. Child development and SEND. 4. The SEND Code of Practice. 5. Working with children with physical and medical needs. 6. Creating an inclusive environment indoors and outdoors. 7. Raising awareness for a range of specific needs and conditions. 8. Use of strategies such as circle of friends, peer tutoring, intensive interaction, TEACCH-style workstations, visual timelines. 9. Transition and school readiness. 10. Peer awareness training - whole school, class or group work. Age-appropriate and interactive sessions to develop understanding of aspects of SEND including the autism spectrum, physical difficulties etc. 11. All aspects of the autism spectrum. 12. Down syndrome awareness. 13. Working effectively with parents, carers and families developing a ‘team around the child’ approach. Training provided to schools, settings and community groups including dinner supervisors, governors, support staff, teachers, families and wider community. Training also tailored for the needs of the private and public sector including individual businesses, retailers, leisure centre staff, local authorities, health and social care staff.

Package examples*

Raising awareness of the autism spectrum (1 day) Successfully implementing the new Code of Practice in your setting (1 day) Creating an autism-friendly environment that supports all (1 day) Supporting pupils with communication, interaction, emotional, social and behavioural needs as identified in the Code of Practice (1 day) Child development in children with SEND (1 day) Raising awareness of Down syndrome * All training sessions are bespoke and can be adjusted to fit your requirements. Training can be broken down into half-day and twilight sessions where needed. Training includes practical tasks, references to the latest research and developments within the field and interactive resources to fully engage participants. Training includes the use of practical equipment, resources and a library of books for participants to view. For a more detailed look at what these packages could entail download the PDF by clicking the button below.