© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021


A career in special educational needs…

I have been a qualified teacher for 16 years, working in both Early Years and Primary education with a focus on special educational needs, disabilities and a specialism in autism and associated conditions. I have worked as a primary SENCO and most recently as an Assistant Head teacher for Inclusion and Behaviour and Safety. In this role I was responsible for co-ordinating SEND support across the school, working as part of the strategic team in preparation for Ofsted and in collation of whole school data and in Pupil Progress meetings, completing paperwork and leading reviews as well as being the school’s Designated Senior Leader for Child Protection and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. I spent 7 very happy years as a specialist teacher for Walsall’s Early Years SEN Team working with children birth to five with special educational needs and disabilities and having responsibility for autism. This was an exciting and varied role that allowed me to work within schools, the community and within the family home. I worked closely with families as they accessed health and education services for the first time and supported them through the diagnostic process and into school. I then went on to spend 3 years developing and leading Dudley Local Authority’s first primary autism base. The base was a wonderful place where we supported the children to manage their sensory and behaviour needs and helped them access mainstream school. We used a mix of autism-specific teaching methods and a creative curriculum with a holistic approach that included cookery, gardening, sensory play, relaxation and water play. We had lots of fun out and about in the local area meeting people and spent time developing social skills by holding celebration events and leading assemblies and parties for World Autism Day. During this time I further developed my personal knowledge and skills by completing a Post Graduate Certificate in autism (children) at Birmingham University and used the knowledge I gained to design and create an autism-specific outdoor area in conjunction with Forest Schools Birmingham, which included an allotment, orchard, circle time area, fire pit and ‘mini-mountain’, perfect for climbing up and rolling down!! I now work as an independent SEND consultant delivering high quality, bespoke training and packages of support within early years settings, schools and groups within the community with an aim to develop the capacity of all staff to provide the best support for children with additional needs in their setting.

My C.V.

As you can well imagine my full C.V. is rather more detailed than the brief account above. Should you wish to view my full C.V. you can download a copy (PDF format) by clicking the button below.
© Marie Smith Special Educational Needs 2021


A career in special

educational needs…

I have been a qualified teacher for 16 years, working in both Early Years and Primary education with a focus on special educational needs, disabilities and a specialism in autism and associated conditions. I have worked as a primary SENCO and most recently as an Assistant Head teacher for Inclusion and Behaviour and Safety. In this role I was responsible for co-ordinating SEND support across the school, working as part of the strategic team in preparation for Ofsted and in collation of whole school data and in Pupil Progress meetings, completing paperwork and leading reviews as well as being the school’s Designated Senior Leader for Child Protection and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children. I spent 7 very happy years as a specialist teacher for Walsall’s Early Years SEN Team working with children birth to five with special educational needs and disabilities and having responsibility for autism. This was an exciting and varied role that allowed me to work within schools, the community and within the family home. I worked closely with families as they accessed health and education services for the first time and supported them through the diagnostic process and into school. I then went on to spend 3 years developing and leading Dudley Local Authority’s first primary autism base. The base was a wonderful place where we supported the children to manage their sensory and behaviour needs and helped them access mainstream school. We used a mix of autism-specific teaching methods and a creative curriculum with a holistic approach that included cookery, gardening, sensory play, relaxation and water play. We had lots of fun out and about in the local area meeting people and spent time developing social skills by holding celebration events and leading assemblies and parties for World Autism Day. During this time I further developed my personal knowledge and skills by completing a Post Graduate Certificate in autism (children) at Birmingham University and used the knowledge I gained to design and create an autism- specific outdoor area in conjunction with Forest Schools Birmingham, which included an allotment, orchard, circle time area, fire pit and ‘mini-mountain’, perfect for climbing up and rolling down!! I now work as an independent SEND consultant delivering high quality, bespoke training and packages of support within early years settings, schools and groups within the community with an aim to develop the capacity of all staff to provide the best support for children with additional needs in their setting.

My C.V.

As you can well imagine my full C.V. is rather more detailed than the brief account above. Should you wish to view my full C.V. you can download a copy (PDF format) by clicking the button below.